The Sand Song

A book with sand in the title that features music should probably include a a song about sand. I wrote this song in 2004 while living in southwest China. It was inspired by the following passage, which is also crucial to the book:

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.
Psalm 139:17-18 (NASB)

A popular beach game in the US is when a father allows his children to bury him in the sand until just his head is sticking out. That is the mental image that inspired the chorus. The full lyrics are below the video – enjoy!

The Sand Song -2004 Christina Kaspersen

Your thoughts toward me, O Lord
Are many, many more
Than the sands upon the seashore
If I built a sandcastle with them
It would tower past the moon

Your precious thoughts toward me
Would fill and even overflow the hourglass of eternity
They keep coming down
And they’re not running out anytime soo

If my praises were like grains of sand
A lifetime’s not enough
To bury You up to Your neck
With shovels full of love

O, my Jesus buried once for me
Now risen from the dead
This time I’m going to bury You
With worship and love songs instead

(verse 2)
My thoughts toward You my King
They’re so few and far between
They hardly seem worth mentioning
If I were to measure out the sum of them
They’d barely tip a scale

Still I’m going to sing
And celebrate Your endless love
Assured that You are listening
You reach out Your hand
To catch each grain of sand
That falls from my pail

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