Now I Know song

This song is featured in chapter 6, Thrilled. Of all the songs I’ve written over the years, this one is probably my very favorite. I wrote the first verse shortly after arriving in mainland China in 1999. The melody of the chorus came in 2005 when I was living in Argentina. Words for the chorus came too, but they turned out to be mere place holders until the real lyrics came to me in 2015. In the years that followed I unsuccessfully attempted to write a second verse a few times. In summer of 2021 the third verse came to me, and then finally that fall the second verse came as well.

However, this song is special not to me just because it took 22 years to write, but also because its lyrics are my personal testimony! The song is a summary of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). Throughout the years I have lived its lyrics from the perspective of both the older and younger brothers, both of whom I identify with. Some days I’m like the younger brother and others I’m more like the older one, but every day I’m finding my way back to the Father’s house where I’m welcomed as His beloved child.

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