
Now I Know song

This song is featured in chapter 6, Thrilled. Of all the songs I’ve written over the years, this one is probably my very favorite. I wrote the first verse shortly after arriving in mainland China in 1999. The melody of the chorus came in 2005 when I was living in Argentina. Words for the chorus

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Thrilled song

This song is featured in chapter 6 of Keys in the Sand. When Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan a dove descended and a voice was heard from heaven saying “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” But since “well pleased” sounds a little stuffy in our day and age,

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Praise You Now song

Keys in the Sand features this song about praising God in difficult circumstances in Chapter 8: Wisdom from Above. I wrote it while living in Chengdu, China. Despite being situated in beautiful Sichuan province, Chengdu can feel like a grey, miserable industrial wasteland. It’s located in a basin surrounded by lush mountains, so clouds get

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The Sand Song

A book with sand in the title that features music should probably include a a song about sand. I wrote this song in 2004 while living in southwest China. It was inspired by the following passage, which is also crucial to the book: How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!How vast is

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The Yoke song

This is yet another song I wrote while living in Argentina. I had already been inspired to draw a picture of Jesus pulling a wagon. He was connected to the wagon with a yoke that He carried while a little girl swung from the other side. The song naturally flowed from the same mental image

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